70. Donna Arlene4 STAMPER (James Thomas "Tom"3, Joshua2, Joshua1) (#1390) was born 14 MAR 1891. Donna died 15 MAR 1990 in Gallia Co., Ohio, at 99 years of age.
She married Jones Daniel GAULTNEY in Lebanon, Smyth, Virginia, 04 FEB 1911. (Jones Daniel GAULTNEY is #1984.) Jones was born in Crumpler, Ashe, NC 06 MAY 1879. Jones was the son of William GAULTNEY and Evaline JONES. Jones died 20 JUN 1926 in Gary, McDowell, West Virginia, at 47 years of age.
Donna Arlene STAMPER and Jones Daniel GAULTNEY had the following children:
116 i. Pauline H.5 GAULTNEY (#2476) (still alive).
117 ii. James Leonard GAULTNEY(80) (#2478) was born in VA 31 OCT 1914.(81) James died 25 DEC 1955 in Odessa, Texas, at 41 years of age.(82)
118 iii. Parks E. GAULTNEY (#2479) (still alive).
119 iv. Nola GAULTNEY(83) (#2480) was born in VA 27 FEB 1921.(84) Nola died 27 FEB 1921 in VA, at less than one year of age.(85)
120 v. Lena L. GAULTNEY (#2481) (still alive).
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