Vaughts in the 1910 Wythe Co., Virginia Cenus with Annotation
10 Households with Vaughts Enumeration District 0139 Birth Name Relation Color Age Place Visit Thomas Creger Husband W 47 Virginia 0242 Serena Wife 41 Virginia Trank Vaught Stepson 10 Virginia Mattie Creger Daughter 05 Virginia Rosa Daughter 03 Virginia Paul Son 02 Virginia [Have no information on Trank VAUGHT's lineage at this time.] Enumeration District 0140 Birth Name Relation Color Age Place Visit George S Vaught Husband W 40 Virginia 0007 Mazie A Wife 39 Virginia Mariettie K Daughter 11 Virginia John W Son 09 Virginia Fred B Son 06 Virginia Chas I Son 02 Virginia David B Father 76 Virginia Katherine Mother 77 Virginia [George S. VAUGHT s/o David B. VAUGHT & Katherine BURKETT. David B. VAUGHT, listed as Father above, was the s/o Thomas Jefferson & Barbary VAUGHT.] -George S.7 VAUGHT, (David B.6, Thomas Jefferson5, Peter4, George3, Andrew2, John Paul1) James M Vaught Husband W 53 Virginia 0009 Corena M Wife 43 Virginia Asie A Son 26 Virginia Mamie M Daughter 22 Virginia Garland G Son 20 Virginia Ray R Son 17 Virginia Bessie B Daughter 16 Virginia Ernest E Son 14 Virginia Hal H Son 12 Virginia Sam S Son 10 Virginia Ovid J Son 07 Virginia [I'm unable to place this Vaught at this time.] Wade W Vaught Husband W 27 Virginia 0013 Minnie B Wife 27 Virginia Marion B Son 02 Virginia [This may be William Wade VAUGHT who d. 27 MAY 1968. No other lineage data available yet.] Andrew J Rine Husband W 61 Virginia 0142 Rose E Wife 53 Virginia Elizabeth Vaught Niece 26 Virginia Alia C Niece 02 Virginia Lambert Niece 12 Virginia [Have no information on the lineage for these VAUGHT girls at this time.] Enumeration District 0141 Birth Name Relation Color Age Place Visit Alexander Crowden Husband W 35 Virginia 0023 Rosa B Wife 38 Virginia Maggie L Daughter 09 Virginia Jossie Daughter 07 Virginia Effie Daughter 05 Virginia Hallie Daughter 04 Virginia William H Vaught Stepson 16 Virginia [Have no information on William H. VAUGHT's lineage at this time.] Enumeration District 0145 Birth Name Relation Color Age Place Visit Joseph H Vaught Husband W 38 Virginia 0039 Ada F Wife 31 Virginia Ray B Son 11 Virginia Ana R Daughter 08 Virginia Hazel Daughter 04 Virginia George W Father 85 Virginia [Joseph Henderson VAUGHT s/o George W. VAUGHT & Judith W. KEESLING, md. Ida Frances NYE, d/o Adam Brown NYE & Elizabeth Ann HEDRICK. George W. VAUGHT listed as Father was the s/o Charles VAUGHT and Nancy PIERCE.] -Joseph Henderson6 VAUGHT, (George W.5, Charles4, George3, Andrew2, John Paul1) Emery G Vaught Husband W 39 Virginia 0041 Ella S Wife 33 Virginia May D Daughter 10 Virginia Walter S Son 08 Virginia [Emory G. VAUGHT s/o George W. VAUGHT & Judith W. KEESLING md. Ella Sophia NYE, d/o Adam Brown NYE & Elizabeth Ann HEDRICK.] -Emory G.6 VAUGHT, (George W.5, Charles4, George3, Andrew2, John Paul1) John M Vaught Head W 53 Virginia 0048 Elizabeth Mother 86 Virginia [John M. VAUGHT s/o Peter VAUGHT & Elizabeth BURKHART. Elizabeth is Elizabeth BURKHART d/o George BURKHART & Mary "Polly" VAUGHT. She md. Peter VAUGHT s/o Peter VAUGHT & Mary Magdalena WAMPLER.] -John M.6 VAUGHT, (Peter5, Peter4, George3, Andrew2, John1) -John M.6 VAUGHT, (Elizabeth5 BURKHART, Mary "Polly"4 VAUGHT, Christley3, Andrew2, John1) Enumeration District 0149 (Wytheville) Birth Name Relation Color Age Place Visit Noah Vaught Husband W 60 Virginia 0173 Matilda Wife 55 Virginia [Noah Trigg VAUGHT (b-1839 VA, d-1917 VA), s/o Abraham VAUGHT & Polly SWAKER. He md. (1st) Minerva Jane ATKINS, d/o Daniel ATKINS & Elizabeth MOORE, on 30 APR 1862. They removed to Dandridge, Jefferson, TN in 1888 where Minerva died in 1901. He returned to Wythe Co., VA after her death and married (2nd) Sarah Matilda Moyers. Noah Trigg would have actually been 70.] -Noah Trigg5 VAUGHT, (Abraham4, George3, Andrew2, John1)
Original Annotations from research by:
Sue Dotson
Lloyd Farris
Bette Nelson
Wil Vaught
and contributers to "The Vaught
Connection" hosted by Marilyn V. Young
Note: NR = Not Readable
Rev. 01; Noah Trigg VAUGHT confirmed and info updated from
"Partial History..." by Edgar Sullins VAUGHT s/o Noah Trigg VAUGHT. Info crtsy.
Wayne Benson; 4 DEC 2000
Rev. 02; William Wade VAUGHT was not the son of JM and Emily VAUGHT.
According to an Edgar Sullins VAUGHT's early FGR: J. Mitchell VAUGHT and Emaline CHAT had
a son Walter W. this is who the birth record of a W. W. b. 21 OCT 1877 in Wythe Co. is
for; 14 JAN 2001.
Rev. 03; Added parents names for the NYE wives in the NYE-VAUGHT
households; crtsy. by Peter W. Flur; 12 APR 2001.
Have something to contribute or corrections/revisions? E-Mail Me!
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