Vaughts in the 1910 Warren Co., Virginia Cenus with Annotation
4 Households with Vaughts Enumeration District 0105 Birth Name Relation Color Age Place Visit James T Vaught Husband W 53 Virginia 0092 Angeline Niece 22 Virginia Carrie Niece 20 Virginia Eltie Sister 43 Virginia John G Brother 51 Virginia [Unable to place this Vaught at this time.] Simeon Vaught Boarder W 42 Virginia 0113 In the Household of Manuel Milton [Unable to place this Vaught at this time.] Rose Vaught Housekeeper W 36 Virginia 0115 In the Household of John Manule [Unable to place this Vaught at this time.] Amanda Vaught SIL W 71 Virginia 0116 In the Household of C F Thornton [Unable to place this Vaught at this time.] {Note, I tried to pull up this Thornton Household from the 1910 Miracode Census with-out luck.}
Original Annotations from research by:
Contributers to "The Vaught Connection" hosted by Marilyn V. Young
Note: NR = Not Readable
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