Confederate Records for Joshua Stamper, JR.

Joshua6 Stamper, Jr. (Joshua5, Jonathon4 Jr., Jonathon Brooks3, Powell "VA Powell"2, John1)

1st Record Card             21 NOV 1861

Joshua Stamper, Co. A (Ashe Beauregard Riflemen), 37 Regiment North Carolina Infantry (State Troops)

Appears on Company Muster-in and Descriptive Roll of the organization named above, from Ashe County Roll Dated: Camp Fisher, Nov. 20, 1861.

Mustered into service of State of North Carolina, to date Nov. 20, 1861.

Where born: Ashe, N.C.
Age: 35 years; occupation: Farmer
Height: 5 feet 6 ΒΌ inches.

Enrolled for active service:
When: Aug 27, 1861
Where: Jefferson, N.C.
By whom: John Hartzog

Oath of allegiance to State of North Carolina
Signature Joshua Stamper

Mustered into Service:
When: Nov 20, 1861
Where: Camp Fisher
By Whom: Jos. A. Hinder, A. A. G. [Note: Jos. A. is best I can decipher]
Period: One year.

Remarks: Caption of roll above: "Transferred to the Confedrate States January 1, 1862."
Roll includes: "I certify that the above roll was verified by me under Special Orders Number 9, on the 18th of January, 1862, and that all were present and accounted for.

P. D. BURWELL, 2d Lleut., C. S. A."

2nd Record Card             JAN/FEB 1862

Joshua Stamper, Pvt., Co. A, 37 Regiment North Carolina Infantry (State Troops)

Appears on Company Muster Roll of the organization named above, for Jan. & Feb., 1862.

When: Aug 27, 1861
Where: Jefferson, N.C.
By whom: John Harzog
Period: 12 mos.

Last Paid:
By whom: R. B. Oats
To what time: 31 Dec. 1861

Present or absent: Present
Remarks: ______

3rd Record Card             MAR/APR 1862

Joshua Stamper, Pvt., Co. A, 37 Regiment North Carolina Infantry (State Troops)

Appears on Company Muster Roll of the organization named above, for Mar. & Apr., 1862.

When: Aug 27, 1861
Where: Jefferson, N.C.
By whom: John Harzog
Period: 12 mos.

Last Paid:
By whom: R. Oats
To what time: 28 Feb. 1862

Present or absent: Absent
Remarks: Absent overstaying his furlough.

4th Record Card             Not Dated [MAY/JUN 1862]

Joshua Stamper, Pvt., Co. A, 37 Regiment North Carolina Troops

Appears on a Roll of Honor of the organization named above.

County: Ashe
Date of entrance into service: Aug. 27 1861
Age: 35;  Vol. or Conscript: Vol.
Died or discharged, and when: _____

Remarks: Captured at Hanover C. H. Not heard from since.

5th Record Card             Not Dated [MAY/JUN 1862]

Joshua Stamper, Pvt., Co. A, 37 Reg't N.C.

Appears on a Descriptive List of rebels captured by the Army of the Potomic at the battle of Hanover Court House, Va., and sent to Fort Monroe, Va.

List dated: Not dated.

Where born: N.C.
By whom captured: Genl. F. J. Poster
When captured: May 27, 1862
Where captured: Hanover C. H., Va.
Age: 36; height 5 feet 6 in.
Hair: Black; eyes: Brown
Complexion: dark.
Remarks: ______

Number of Roll 96: Sheet 17; Virginia.

6th Record Card             Not Dated [04 JUN 1862]

Joshua Stamper, Pvt., 37 Regt. N.C.

Appears on a Roll of Prisoners of War at Fort Columbus, New York Harbor, June 4, 1862.

Roll Dated: Not Dated

Where captured: Hanover C. H.
When captured: May 27, 1862

Remarks: _______

Number of Roll: 23; Page 12.

7th Record Card             Not Dated [12 JUL 1862]

J. Stamper, Pvt., Co. A, 37 Rgt. N.C.

Appears on a List of non-commissioned officers and privates exchanged at Aiken's Landing, Va., Aug. 5, 1862.

List dated: Not dated.

Where: Hanover C. H.
When: May 27, 1862

Delivered: July 12, 1862
by: Capt. Clinton [?] 12 NJ, U. S. Army
Remarks: ______

Number of Roll: 4; Page 96, Aiken's Landing, Va.

8th Record Card             01 JUL 1862 - 01 NOV 1862

Joshua Stamper, Pvt., Co. A, 37 Reg't North Carolina Infantry (State Troops)

Appears on Company Muster Roll of the organization named above, for Jul. 1 to Nov. 1, 1862.

When: Aug 27, 1861
Where: Jefferson, N.C.
By whom: Capt. Hartzog
Period: [illegible]

Last Paid:
By whom: _______
To what time: _____

Present or absent: Absent
Remarks: At home without leave.

9th Record Card             NOV/DEC 1862

Joshua Stamper, Pvt., Co. A, 37 Reg't North Carolina Infantry (State Troops)

Appears on Company Muster Roll of the organization named above, for Nov. & Dec. 1862.

When: Aug 27, 1861
Where: Jefferson, N.C.
By whom: Capt. Hartzog
Period: For war

Last Paid:
By whom: R. M. Oates
To what time: June 30, 1862

Present or absent: Absent
Remarks: Absent without leave.

10th Record Card             JAN/FEB 1863

Joshua Stamper, Pvt., Co. A, 37 Reg't North Carolina Infantry (State Troops)

Appears on Company Muster Roll of the organization named above, for Jan. & Feb. 1863.

When: Aug 27, 1861
Where: Jefferson, N.C.
By whom: Capt. Hartzog
Period: war

Last Paid:
By whom: Capt. Oates
To what time: Apr. 30, 1862

Present or absent: Absent
Remarks: Absent without leave since Aug. 15, 62.

Records Courtesy Suzanne Stamper-Youmans; Transcribed by Wil Vaught

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