Dennis Eugene Vaught
Dennis Eugene Vaught in a Class Picture. Taken Circa 1914, Courtesy Wil Vaught
Dennis Eugene Vaught and Dorothy 'Mae' Groak-Vaught. Taken Circa 1940, Courtesy Wil Vaught |
Dennis Eugene Vaught. Taken Circa 1955, Courtesy Wil Vaught |
(Far Right) Dennis Eugene Vaught, just to his left and behind is
Dorothy 'Mae' Groak-Vaught. The first three on the left are their children; Brenda,
Dennis Jr. and David. The five in the middle were foster children. Taken Circa 1961, Courtesy Wil Vaught |
Dennis Eugene Vaught and Dorothy 'Mae' Groak-Vaught. Taken Circa 1977, Courtesy Wil Vaught |
Stamper Photo Album | Vaught Photo Album | Dennis Eugene Vaught FGS